Health Loft

Health Loft


Website design

UI/UX design

Booking integration

Form integration

Hosting, maintenance, and support


Health Loft is a nutritionist coaching company based in Chicago, Illinois. They started as an in-person office offering physical therapy and nutrition. Now, they only offer nutrition coaching but have exploded and are licensed in 37 states in the US.

We came on board when Health Loft was still offering physical therapy. The website at that time lacked clear calls-to-action and it was unclear what the user was supposed to do once on the website.

We helped define the actions that we wanted the user to take, and we optimized that user experience by clearly emphasizing those actions using a concise user interface.

The result is a booming Health Loft and a happy, long-standing client.

All rights reserved, Held High LLC

All rights reserved, Held High LLC

All rights reserved, Held High LLC